3 Small Improvements That Increase Your Home Value

Whether you’re thinking of selling your home or simply having it appraised for an updated valuation, it’s important to consider outward appearance. There are many minor things that you might not notice as an everyday inhabitant that can increase the value of your home when addressed. Improve your Selbyville, Delaware, home with these small improvements.

Fix Your Drywall

Over time, your drywall can take quite a beating. Every picture that you hang leaves its own imprint on your walls. Kids and pets can do damage as well, from minor marks to major dents. Patching and smoothing the drywall throughout your home will instantly improve its appearance and value. Getting a smooth finish on drywall isn’t as easy as it seems. Turn to our professionals for a like-new look in your home.

Improving Your Doorframes

Any busy passageway in your home is going to see a lot of wear and tear. If your doorframes are scuffed, scratched, or damaged, it may be time to replace them. If you’d like to make your home more accessible or help it feel more spacious, you can even widen your door frames while you’re at it. Create an open living space where there wasn’t one before. Our carpenters can help you with the job.

Update Your Cabinets

Kitchen trends change rapidly. If your home has a dated look, this can draw down its value. Make it more appealing with modern cabinetry. We can help you hang new cabinets quickly and efficiently to give your kitchen an easy upgrade that can dramatically change the overall appearance and increase the value of your home.

If you’re in the process of updating your home to increase its value, we can help. Our carpentry services include moulding replacement, deck repairs, and more. Contact Custom Mechanical at 877-696-0808 to learn more. We’re happy to discuss your next project with you.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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