Don’t Repair Your Own Water Heater in Frankford, DE

Despite popular opinion in the DIY community, repairing your own water heater is not a great idea. Something could go wrong that you don’t have the skills to fix. Here are some common things that could happen if you try to work on your water heater yourself in Frankford, DE.

Warranty and Insurance Considerations

By working on your water heater yourself, you could void any warranty on the water heater. Also, if you work on the water heater yourself, then your homeowner’s insurance might not cover any resulting damage to your home because you are not a licensed professional.

Accidentally Breaking a Gas or Electrical Connection

Depending on the specific type of water heater in your home, it could have either gas or electrical connections. You risk an explosion if you break a gas line, and you risk electrocution if you break a part of the electrical connection. Even breaking something minor will result in the need for extra repairs that you could have avoided.

Causing Water Damage

While disconnecting the water line is not as dangerous as tampering with a gas or electrical connection, it can still cause damage because up to 100 gallons of hot water may spill all over your floor. That wouldn’t just ruin any floor covering or possessions lying on the floor — it could also scald you.

Not Performing a Good Repair

Even if you avoid a water spill because you don’t have the right kind of training, you might work on something that didn’t need fixing or perform a poor repair on something that did. That could result in higher energy bills, the need for professional repair services to undo any damage you caused, or both.

We’ve been in business for more than 40 years and have both accreditation and an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. To schedule water heater repair or maintenance services from our team at Custom Mechanical, give us a call or drop by our office today.

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