Top 3 HVAC Complaints

Your HVAC system in Frankford, Delaware, should heat or cool your home without you having to worry about it. Although that’s typically the case, sometimes you will have some frustrations with your system you need to address.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

Your HVAC system makes up a large part of your indoor air quality (IAQ). Have your air quality tested if you or your family is suffering from headaches, watery eyes, sneezing, or coughing. Make sure to clean or change your air filters often. Have your ducts cleaned if it’s been a while since you had it done. You may also want to consider investing in a home air purifier to help combat poor IAQ in your home.

High Utility Bills

High utility bills are primarily a concern during the coldest days of winter when your heater is running often. While higher bills are expected, you can still combat overly high bills by being energy conscious. Don’t swing the thermostat settings during the winter, and keep it as low as possible while staying comfortable. Supplement your heater with space heaters, warm clothes, and cozy blankets to avoid having to turn up the heat as well.

Noisy HVAC System

Your HVAC system should be felt and not heard. A loud HVAC system can mean that it’s aging or about to break down. Schedule an HVAC technician to come out and see what’s going on. A loud HVAC system almost always indicates a problem. It also could mean that it’s using a lot more energy to make it run, which will cause your utility bills to spike because of the excess energy usage. Schedule an appointment, so one of our technicians can diagnose the cause.

If you have HVAC issues, don’t procrastinate on calling your HVAC contractor. Contact Custom Mechanical at 877-696-0808 to speak with an experienced professional and schedule an appointment today.

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